Cinéma Musique Premier Marché Mondial

JAMIE HECTOR aka Marlo Stanfield Interview

Last week while I was in Cannes for the Film Festival I bumped into Jamie Hector also known as the infamous Marlo Stanfield. The actor spoke about his recent work, his journey and his experience on The Wire. I know it’s been 5 years since the show is over but we had to talk about his character « Marlo Stanfield » and his influence in the Hip-Hop in France and of course in the US.

4 réponses sur « JAMIE HECTOR aka Marlo Stanfield Interview »

Le mec même lorsqu’il rit, tu flippes! Lol
Bon j’ai attendu la petite dédicace en créole haïtien, elle n’est jamais venue.
Je suis déçue Pitt 😦


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